Introduction to Insurance

1- Introduction to Insurance ▐ 2- What is Insurance ▐  3- Basics of Insurance ▐  4- Casualty and Property Insurance  ▐  5- Disability Insurance


If you wanna drive any kind of vehicle or you are going to take out a mortgage to buy a property, you will be required to buy insurance. Insurance is like a mother who protects both you and others from calamity and makes it possible to take risks that would otherwise be good.  Lenders could not afford thousands of dollars to buy a home if they knew that if the home burned down, we would simply run away and stop paying our mortgage because only few of us would have the savings to rebuild our homes. For example car accident without insurance would potentially leave the drivers of all the involved vehicles without a way to get back to work and with no balance to pay for treatment as well.
Insurance also give us a ray of hope as it keeps us alive and healthy by making health care more affordable, it gives us a means to provide for our loved ones after our death, and lets us keep drawing an income even if we cannot work for weeks, months or years due to illness or injuries.
While most of the people buy the insurance they are required to, but they don’t always buy the optional insurance that could make them financially more secure and alleviate some of our anxiety about the bad luck that might befall us. What’s more, very few of us have a good understanding of how our insurance policies actually work. And we should, because we pay a lot for them

We pay around $1,000 per year for homeowners insurance and round about $900 a year for vehicle insurance

Instead of  this, we cannot take full advantage of our policies’ benefits or make the best choices about how much coverage to purchase because of no or less knowledge of insurance.
To get full advantage of Insurance this short tutorial will get you up to speed on the basics of insurance that how all insurance works, and the most common types of insurance that an individuals can buy: homeowners and health insurance,  renters insurance, disability insurance, long-term care insurance, life insurance and a few other types of insurance. So stay tune.

The Author

Imran Khan
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