Introduction to HTML5 and CSS3

Welcome to my HTML-5 and CSS-3 tutorial series. In this series you're going to learn how to create  a beautiful websites using HTML and CSS, which in case you guys didn't know are the languages that websites are written in.
Now I'm going to be recording the series as if you the viewer has had no previous experience in HTML or CSS before, so if you are a complete beginner then don't worry you found the right series you can continue watching from here and you'll do great.
 If you guys do have a little bit of experience with HTML then you know you could carry on watching just for some revision or you could join in later on when we start talking about some more complicated stuff so to get started with this series there are two things that you guys need to download.


The  first thing we need is a good text editor so the text editor that I use is notepad plus plus and it's a good one I would recommend if you're following along with my tutorials that you download that and I will show you how to download that, to download Notepad++ go to the link:


The second thing that we need or that you guys need is a good browser. I use Firefox but if you guys want to use Chrome that's up to you they both work equally as well, to download Firfox goto the link:

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